
  • How should I store it?
    Store it in a dry place away from direct exposure to hot sunlight or cold conditions.Deflated and rolled into its carry bag, it can be stored in any small space such as in a closet or garage.The important thing to remember is to make sure it is completely dry before packing it away so you don't end
  • What kind of wear and tear should I watch for?
    Besides a small leak or tear you should check around all the valves and seams once in a while to make sure they are secure and not leaking any air.You can do this by using soap and water mixture in a spray bottle.Other wear and tear to be aware of is any breaking down of the material or stains that
  • How long does an flat surfboards take to inflate?
    With a hand pump,it will take about 4 – 8 minutes. With a good electric pump it can take 30 seconds to 1 minute.the barometric needle points to 15PSI
  • How keep my balance on a paddle board?
    A common mistake is standing on a paddle board like it’s a surfboard. Meaning your toes are facing the side of the board. You want to have both feet facing forward and your knees should be slightly bent. Remember when you paddle to use your entire core not just your arms.
  • How do l stand on a Paddle Board?
    The easiest way to start is to kneel on the board and start paddling. As you gain confidence, move one of your knees up so you are on one knee and one foot then push up your other foot so you are standing.
  • What should l pay attention to when using it for the first time?
    After receiving the sup, please check if the product is damaged due to transportation, and make sure it is inflated before it is damaged.
  • Is paddle boarding good exercise?
    The simple answer to this question is yes! Paddle boarding is an excellent full body workout for your entire body.




Address: No.8, Foreverstrong Road, Pukou District, Nanjing 210032, China
Contact: Oliver Wang
Tel: +86 025 5822 5886
Fax: +86 025 5822 5887
© 2021 - Supsure Outdoor Group